Daisy Taylor


Lives: Strathaven, Scotland
Age: 17
Years Racing:  10
Instagram: @daisyh_taylor
When not cycling: washing bikes and listening to music
Favourite place to ride: Glentress or somewhere with more sun
Go to warm up tune: D.A.N.C.E- Logic reprise by Justice, Logic

About Daisy

Coming from a sporty family, my cycling journey started at only 3 weeks old in the bike trailer attached to my mum’s bike and I have loved riding bikes ever since. I started racing when I joined East Kilbride Road Club at age 7 at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow. I then joined The Clydesdale Colts (Royal Albert) Cycling Club as I became more focused on racing off-road thanks to the scottish cyclocross series and mountain bike series. 

Since then I worked my way up to be selected to race XC world champs this year at glentress! It was an unforgettable experience and I’m hungry for more in the future, especially now as part of GB junior academy.

I am so excited that with the support of Solas I will be able to race on the road with an amazing new team. I can’t wait to learn the ins and outs of road racing with the help of more experienced riders and hopefully get some mega results along the way!