Molly Evans

Lives: Aberdeen, Scotland
Age: 18
Years Racing: 8
Instagram: @molly_.evans
When not cycling: playing field hockey and spending time with friends and family
Favourite place to ride: West Coast of Scotland (Applecross)
Go to warm up tune: I Lived – One Republic

About Molly

I started cycling with Grampian Tigers when I was 10 years old because my brother was part of the club and I wanted to be involved too. Most of this was off road mountain biking and grass track and I very quickly realised I was much better on smoother flatter terrain!

I was invited to join in some regional road sessions and I fell in love with road cycling. I started riding on the velodrome too and loved this even more. I then switched clubs to Deeside Thistle for more road based training.  Since then I have been racing up and down the country getting lots of experience and some good results.

Most notably being chosen to represent Scotland at the 2022 School Games and achieving 6th in the keirin, winning the team pursuit and coming away with the overall team win!

Other results include top 10s in British National Road Races and multiple Scottish Road and Track series and championship wins. I took a year out for my higher exams in 2023 and really missed racing. I still worked hard at my training over the year and I am now massively looking forward to being part